NFASSP Technical Meeting Notice – Wed. Feb. 19th @ 11:45 AM

Meeting Notice

Niagara Frontier Chapter, ASSP

Wednesday February 19th, 2025, at 11:45 AM

In person at the Plumbers and Steamfitters Hall

120 Gardenville Pkwy W, Buffalo, NY 14224

Plumbers and Steamfitters Safety Training Technologies

We will enjoy a tour of their training facility and learn more about their Medical Gas Line Brazing Training and much more! 

The event will open with networking from 11:45 to 12:15 p.m., followed by the presentation/tour from 12:15 to 1:15 and a Q&A session.

Our meal will be Pizza, Wings, Salad and Soft Drinks for $15.00. 

Email reservations by Monday February 17th to:

Visitors and members not interested in the meal are welcome to attend the meeting. A voluntary $5 treasury assistance fee is requested.

Email reservations by Monday February 17th to: