Announcing a new service for NFASSP chapter members
We have exciting news to share with you! We are now able to post resumes for Chapter members seeking employment in the environment, health, and safety industry. Those members seeking internships also are welcome to have their resumes posted. This is a free service for Chapter members, another benefit of your NFASSP membership.
More details, including how to have your resume posted, are on the Seeking Employment or Internships page at this link:
OSHA/NIOSH Small Business Handbook Features Self-Inspection Checklists

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has a variety of resources to help small businesses keep their employees safe on the job. One of the most popular is the Small Business Safety and Health Handbook, available in English and Spanish. OSHA worked with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to comprehensively update this publication in 2021.
The handbook features a set of self-inspection checklists to help employers identify and address workplace hazards. The checklists cover a range of workplace safety and health topics for general industry workplaces, such as electrical safety, fire protection, hazard communication, materials handling, and personal protective equipment. OSHA recently added new checklists for ergonomics, heat illness prevention, infection control plans, workplace violence, and young workers. Each one includes a list of relevant OSHA standards and other resources from OSHA and NIOSH.
The handbook summarizes the benefits of an effective safety and health program. It also reviews key safety and health resources for small business, including the OSHA On-Site Consultation Program and the NIOSH Small Business Resource Guide. For more information, visit OSHA’s Small Business page.
“The revised Small Business Handbook is a valuable tool to help employers identify where to take action to make their workplaces safer and more healthful for their employees,” said Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health Jim Frederick. “Safety has to be a continuous process that involves preventing injuries and illnesses, and saving lives.” “Small businesses face many unique challenges and providing a safe and healthy work environment shouldn’t be one of them,” said NIOSH Director John Howard, M.D. “The updated Small Business Handbook is an easy-to-use tool to help keep your most valuable asset – your employees – safe and healthy on the job.”
Industrial Engineering Master’s student seeking internship
If you are seeking an intern for your environment, health and safety program, please read the below profile for Sasha Mary Ladislas. Please contact her directly if you wish to talk further about any opportunity you may have. Thank you.
Sasha Mary Ladislas
M.S. Industrial Engineering, concentrating in Human Factors and Ergonomics
I am a second-year graduate student at the University at Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo) pursuing a Master of Science degree in Industrial Engineering with a Human Factors & Ergonomics concentration. With almost 2 years of work experience in manufacturing prior to my graduate program, I understand how important it is to have a safe work environment on an industrial scale.
While pursuing my undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering, I participated in various design competitions to expand my knowledge past the curriculum set by the university. It was here, with the countless hours spent in the engineering lab and the cuts, burns, and bruises I endured during the fabrication process, that I was introduced to the necessity of safety equipment and norms to be followed while using power tools. Under the guidance of highly trained individuals with decades of experience, I have completed 3 manufacturing internships ranging from 2 to 6 months that gave me an insight into the operation of various heavy machinery, possible safety hazards and prevention techniques used for individual tools and processes. This summer, I had the opportunity to work as a Health, Safety & Environment Intern at TechnipFMC in Houston, Texas. One of the major projects I undertook was performing an ergonomic evaluation at their manufacturing facility in Stevenville, Texas. I used assessment tools such as the Shoulder Tool, Revised Strain Index, ACGIH TLV for Hand Activity and Lifting, as well as Distal Upper Extremity Tool to better understand the musculoskeletal strain associated with repetitive tasks. The comprehensive report from this assessment aided the hired kinesiologist in devising targeted stretches and exercises aimed at mitigating the identified strains. Along with this, I worked on safety oriented global projects such as Hand Tool Substitutions, Safe Choice and Severe Injury & Fatality Prevention programs.
I have always considered myself to be a dexterous individual who learns best on the job. I am eager to continue learning and developing through an Environment, Health & Safety Internship this fall wherein I can apply the certified skills and knowledge I have gained through relevant courses at UB such as Industrial Hygiene, Work Physiology, Facilities Design and Human Factors in Health Care. I am a team player who likes to work collaboratively, and I would be fortunate to work with and learn from certified individuals with immense industrial expertise. I aim to work in the industry to achieve the safety, well-being, equality and economic growth of employees and companies. An opportunity such as this would fast track achieving the goals I have set for myself and give me unparalleled insight into the industry.
Keep in the NFASSP loop by keeping your email address current
Our mailing list is pulled from the chapter roster maintained by ASSP. Those members who have indicated that they want to receive emails will are on the chapter email list. If you aren’t receiving emails, it might be that your address is incorrect or missing in the ASSP database, or a setting needs to be updated to receive emails. Here’s what you can do. Go to and in the upper left corner, click the Change Address tab. It will take you to the member log in page of Once you’ve logged in, you can check on your email address and settings. If you need more help or have difficulties, contact ASSP customer service, details below.
ASSP Customer Service
Monday-Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm CST
+1 847-699-2929
PSJ publishes article by Ralph Estep and Jillian Brown
An article authored by NFASSP member Ralph Estep, PhD, RN, CSP, CIH and Jillian Brown, MS, CSP titled Safety Challenges of Commissioning & Operation of a Covid-19 Treatment Only Hospital has been published in the April 2021 edition of Professional Safety Journal*.
Congratulations to Ralph and Jillian for being published! Thank you for showcasing Western New York’s health and safety ingenuity.
*PSJ is a benefit of ASSP membership.